3. 03. 2025

DFK Cab presents the Segway Snarler quad cab: It’s useful for municipal services

29. 1. 2024 16:24

The Czech company DFK Cab presented a cabin for the new Segway Snarler quad bike. The vehicle itself is designed as a working and utility four-wheeler, which can be used both in the field and, for example, for road maintenance and other communal services provided by municipalities. The DFK Cab company’s cabin fundamentally increases the utility value of the vehicle and ensures the driver a high level of comfort when performing work activities, even in difficult terrain and in leisure time.

Since last year, DFK Cab has been the only company in the world to supply cabs for the Segway Villain and Segway Fugleman models. Now it has developed a unique cabin for the Segway Snarler quad bike.

Snarler is a range of robustly constructed work and utility quads with a wealth of innovative technology for demanding tasks in difficult terrain and for leisure. It is a very durable vehicle for demanding tasks and extreme conditions.

It has an electric winch, towing equipment, front and rear racks. A plow and other road cleaning tools can also be attached to it.

With the use of the cabin, the Snarler ensures maximum comfort for driving and working. It has one of the most powerful engines available today. Already in the basic equipment, it has disc brakes on all wheels.

It has robust protective frames on the front and sides, front and rear steel carriers with composite surfaces with a total load capacity of 120 kilograms, protective handle covers, a backrest for the passenger, Full-LED lighting and a digital multi-function display.

After adding a cabin from the DFK Cab company, the useful properties of the Segway Snarler model are significantly expanded. A quad bike with a cabin very effectively protects the driver from dust, rain and other unpleasant weather conditions. The cabin includes a windshield wiper, which still guarantees the driver a perfect view and increases driving safety.

Segway Snarler without cabin.

Segway Snarler with DFK Cab cab.

The interesting thing about the cabin is that it has rear-view mirrors, so with the Snarler model you can comfortably reverse like in a classic car, not like on a motorcycle, where the driver has to keep his hands on the handlebars and at the same time turn his head back 180 degrees.

The DFK Cab is very easy to assemble and disassemble. In addition, it is very light, so it does not affect the stability of the machine.

The DFK Cab on the four-wheel Segway Snarler makes this vehicle an ideal helper for municipalities, or communal services provided by municipalities, such as road cleaning, snow removal and the like.

In addition, the Snarler is also used in police work – here too, the DFK Cab cab can increase the driver’s comfort and provide a useful service when using a four-wheeler. (sfr)

Segway Snarler without cabin in snow removal.

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